Wednesday, July 29, 2009

How to Make Your Own Fishing Lures

Things You'll Need:
Screw eyes
Spinner blades
Colored yarn or floss
Hackle pliers
Wire former
Sand paper
Hair stacker
Spinner bodies
Half-inch tool
Barrel swivels
Egg sinkers
Split ring pliers
Spinner shaft locks
Fly-tying vise
Split rings
Connector sleeves
Lacquer or vinyl paints
Buck tails and calf tails
Coping saw
Snap swivels
Pocket knife
Crimping tool
Head cement
Blocks of wood
Colored fur
Tinsel and flashabou

Step 1
Gather your tools, including: coping saw, pocket knife, bobbin, lacquer or vinyl paints in various colors, various colors of thread, fly-tying vise, assorted sand paper, hackle pliers, split ring pliers, crimping tool, scissors, hair stacker, head cement, wire former and a half-inch tool.
Step 2
Purchase a variety of each of the following items: feathers, colored yarn or floss, colored fur, spinner bodies, beads, jigs, screw eyes, clevises, egg sinkers, hooks, connector sleeves, snap swivels, barrel swivels, spinner blades, spinner shaft locks, split rings, buck tails and calf tails, tinsel and flashabou, hackles, wire and blocks of wood.
Step 3
Find a comfortable, quiet place to work.
Step 4
Decide which type of lure you will make. Lures will vary depending on the species of fish, the depth at which the fish are running, the color of the fish prey, the action you need from the lure, water clarity and weather.
Step 5
Sketch out your design, keeping in mind what types of lures you've had good luck with in the past.
Step 6
Build your lure and then test it under the appropriate conditions.
Step 7
Remember that lure-making takes trial and error. Keep at it even if your first lures aren't successful.

Tips & Warnings
Keep a notepad handy. While you are making your lure, you may think of an idea for another lure.
Buy a container or box with different compartments to store your materials.

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